Assessing the Quality of Multiple-Choice Questions Using GPT-4 and Rule-Based Methods

by   Steven Moore, et al.

Multiple-choice questions with item-writing flaws can negatively impact student learning and skew analytics. These flaws are often present in student-generated questions, making it difficult to assess their quality and suitability for classroom usage. Existing methods for evaluating multiple-choice questions often focus on machine readability metrics, without considering their intended use within course materials and their pedagogical implications. In this study, we compared the performance of a rule-based method we developed to a machine-learning based method utilizing GPT-4 for the task of automatically assessing multiple-choice questions based on 19 common item-writing flaws. By analyzing 200 student-generated questions from four different subject areas, we found that the rule-based method correctly detected 91 We demonstrated the effectiveness of the two methods in identifying common item-writing flaws present in the student-generated questions across different subject areas. The rule-based method can accurately and efficiently evaluate multiple-choice questions from multiple domains, outperforming GPT-4 and going beyond existing metrics that do not account for the educational use of such questions. Finally, we discuss the potential for using these automated methods to improve the quality of questions based on the identified flaws.


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