Aspis: A Robust Detection System for Distributed Learning

State of the art machine learning models are routinely trained on large scale distributed clusters. Crucially, such systems can be compromised when some of the computing devices exhibit abnormal (Byzantine) behavior and return arbitrary results to the parameter server (PS). This behavior may be attributed to a plethora of reasons including system failures and orchestrated attacks. Existing work suggests robust aggregation and/or computational redundancy to alleviate the effect of distorted gradients. However, most of these schemes are ineffective when an adversary knows the task assignment and can judiciously choose the attacked workers to induce maximal damage. Our proposed method Aspis assigns gradient computations to worker nodes using a subset-based assignment which allows for multiple consistency checks on the behavior of a worker node. Examination of the calculated gradients and post-processing (clique-finding in an appropriately constructed graph) by the central node allows for efficient detection and subsequent exclusion of adversaries from the training process. We prove the Byzantine resilience and detection guarantees of Aspis under weak and strong attacks and extensively evaluate the system on various large-scale training scenarios. The main metric for our experiments is the test accuracy for which we demonstrate significant improvement of about 30 state-of-the-art approaches on the CIFAR-10 dataset. The corresponding reduction of the fraction of corrupted gradients ranges from 16


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