Arduino based Voice controlled Robotic Arm

by   Adwait P Naik, et al.

The aim of this work is to present an inexpensive, light-weight and easily controlled robotic arm based on Arduino Uno. The peculiarity of the arm is it fully voice operated, in other words it responds to the instructions given by the human operator. Although there are many approaches to make the robot work without controlling it manually but unlike other approaches the voice based approach renders more accuracy and efficiency to the robot to perform delicate tasks. The robotic arm is made up of three modules: The arm, the arduino microcontroller, and the voice module. The arm contains three rotary joints and an end effector, where the rotary motion is provided using the servomotor. Moreover, the robot can be operated in two modes, manually using potentiometer shafts and automatically using instructions. Arduino is programmed in such a way that selecting one mode will disable the other.


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