Applying Plain Transformers to Real-World Point Clouds

by   Lanxiao Li, et al.

Due to the lack of inductive bias, transformer-based models usually require a large amount of training data. The problem is especially concerning in 3D vision, as 3D data are harder to acquire and annotate. To overcome this problem, previous works modify the architecture of transformers to incorporate inductive biases by applying, e.g., local attention and down-sampling. Although they have achieved promising results, earlier works on transformers for point clouds have two issues. First, the power of plain transformers is still under-explored. Second, they focus on simple and small point clouds instead of complex real-world ones. This work revisits the plain transformers in real-world point cloud understanding. We first take a closer look at some fundamental components of plain transformers, e.g., patchifier and positional embedding, for both efficiency and performance. To close the performance gap due to the lack of inductive bias and annotated data, we investigate self-supervised pre-training with masked autoencoder (MAE). Specifically, we propose drop patch, which prevents information leakage and significantly improves the effectiveness of MAE. Our models achieve SOTA results in semantic segmentation on the S3DIS dataset and object detection on the ScanNet dataset with lower computational costs. Our work provides a new baseline for future research on transformers for point clouds.


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