Applying Physics-Informed Enhanced Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks to Finite-Rate-Chemistry Flows and Predicting Lean Premixed Gas Turbine Combustors

by   Mathis Bode, et al.

The accurate prediction of small scales in underresolved flows is still one of the main challenges in predictive simulations of complex configurations. Over the last few years, data-driven modeling has become popular in many fields as large, often extensively labeled datasets are now available and training of large neural networks has become possible on graphics processing units (GPUs) that speed up the learning process tremendously. In fact, the successful application of deep neural networks in fluid dynamics, such as for underresolved reactive flows, is still challenging. This work advances the recently introduced PIESRGAN to reactive finite-rate-chemistry flows. However, since combustion chemistry typically acts on the smallest scales, the original approach needs to be extended. Therefore, the modeling approach of PIESRGAN is modified to accurately account for the challenges in the context of laminar finite-rate-chemistry flows. The modified PIESRGAN-based model gives good agreement in a priori and a posteriori tests in a laminar lean premixed combustion setup. Furthermore, a reduced PIESRGAN-based model is presented that solves only the major species on a reconstructed field and employs PIERSGAN lookup for the remaining species, utilizing staggering in time. The advantages of the discriminator-supported training are shown, and the usability of the new model demonstrated in the context of a model gas turbine combustor.


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