Application of Facial Recognition using Convolutional Neural Networks for Entry Access Control

by   Lars Lien Ankile, et al.

The purpose of this paper is to design a solution to the problem of facial recognition by use of convolutional neural networks, with the intention of applying the solution in a camera-based home-entry access control system. More specifically, the paper focuses on solving the supervised classification problem of taking images of people as input and classifying the person in the image as one of the authors or not. Two approaches are proposed: (1) building and training a neural network called WoodNet from scratch and (2) leveraging transfer learning by utilizing a network pre-trained on the ImageNet database and adapting it to this project's data and classes. In order to train the models to recognize the authors, a dataset containing more than 150 000 images has been created, balanced over the authors and others. Image extraction from videos and image augmentation techniques were instrumental for dataset creation. The results are two models classifying the individuals in the dataset with high accuracy, achieving over 99 pre-trained model fitted significantly faster than WoodNet, and seems to generalize better. However, these results come with a few caveats. Because of the way the dataset was compiled, as well as the high accuracy, one has reason to believe the models over-fitted to the data to some degree. An added consequence of the data compilation method is that the test dataset may not be sufficiently different from the training data, limiting its ability to validate generalization of the models. However, utilizing the models in a web-cam based system, classifying faces in real-time, shows promising results and indicates that the models generalized fairly well for at least some of the classes (see the accompanying video).


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