Any-Order Online Interval Selection

by   Allan Borodin, et al.

We consider the problem of online interval scheduling on a single machine, where intervals arrive online in an order chosen by an adversary, and the algorithm must output a set of non-conflicting intervals. Traditionally in scheduling theory, it is assumed that intervals arrive in order of increasing start times. We drop that assumption and allow for intervals to arrive in any possible order. We call this variant any-order interval selection (AOIS). We assume that some online acceptances can be revoked, but a feasible solution must always be maintained. For unweighted intervals and deterministic algorithms, this problem is unbounded. Under the assumption that there are at most k different interval lengths, we give a simple algorithm that achieves a competitive ratio of 2k and show that it is optimal amongst deterministic algorithms, and a restricted class of randomized algorithms we call memoryless, contributing to an open question by Adler and Azar 2003; namely whether a randomized algorithm without access to history can achieve a constant competitive ratio. We connect our model to the problem of call control on the line, and show how the algorithms of Garay et al. 1997 can be applied to our setting, resulting in an optimal algorithm for the case of proportional weights. We also discuss the case of intervals with arbitrary weights, and show how to convert the single-length algorithm of Fung et al. 2014 into a classify and randomly select algorithm that achieves a competitive ratio of 2k. Finally, we consider the case of intervals arriving in a random order, and show that for single-lengthed instances, a one-directional algorithm (i.e. replacing intervals in one direction), is the only deterministic memoryless algorithm that can possibly benefit from random arrivals. Finally, we briefly discuss the case of intervals with arbitrary weights.


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