Analysis of a Model for Generating Weakly Scale-free Networks

by   Raheel Anwar, et al.

It is commonly believed that real networks are scale-free and fraction of nodes P(k) with degree k satisfies the power law P(k) ∝ k^-γ for k > k_min > 0. Preferential attachment is the mechanism that has been considered responsible for such organization of these networks. In many real networks, degree distribution before the k_min varies very slowly to the extent of being uniform as compared with the degree distribution for k > k_min . In this paper, we proposed a model that describe this particular degree distribution for the whole range of k>0. We adopt a two step approach. In the first step, at every time stamp we add a new node to the network and attach it with an existing node using preferential attachment method. In the second step, we add edges between existing pairs of nodes with the node selection based on the uniform probability distribution. Our approach generates weakly scale-free networks that closely follow the degree distribution of real-world networks. We perform comprehensive mathematical analysis of the model in the discrete domain and compare the degree distribution generated by these models with that of real-world networks.


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