An Intermediate-level Attack Framework on The Basis of Linear Regression

by   Yiwen Guo, et al.

This paper substantially extends our work published at ECCV, in which an intermediate-level attack was proposed to improve the transferability of some baseline adversarial examples. We advocate to establish a direct linear mapping from the intermediate-level discrepancies (between adversarial features and benign features) to classification prediction loss of the adversarial example. In this paper, we delve deep into the core components of such a framework by performing comprehensive studies and extensive experiments. We show that 1) a variety of linear regression models can all be considered in order to establish the mapping, 2) the magnitude of the finally obtained intermediate-level discrepancy is linearly correlated with adversarial transferability, 3) further boost of the performance can be achieved by performing multiple runs of the baseline attack with random initialization. By leveraging these findings, we achieve new state-of-the-arts on transfer-based ℓ_∞ and ℓ_2 attacks.


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