An Interactive Foreign Language Trainer Using Assessment and Feedback Modalities

by   Rosalyn P. Reyes, et al.

English has long been set as the universal language. Basically most, if not all countries in the world know how to speak English or at least try to use it in their everyday communications for the purpose of globalizing. This study is designed to help the students learn from one or all of the four most commonly used foreign languages in the field of Information Technology namely Korean, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, and Spanish. Composed of a set of words, phrases, and sentences, the program is intended to quickly teach the students in the form of basic, intermediate, and advanced levels. This study has used the Agile model in system development. Functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, and portability were also considered in determining the level of the acceptability of the system in terms of ISO 25010:2011. This interactive foreign language trainer is built to associate fun with learning, to remedy the lack of perseverance by some in learning a new language, and to make learning the users' favorite playtime activity. The study allows the user to interact with the program which provides support for their learning. Moreover, this study reveals that integrating feedback modalities in the training and assessment modules of the software strengthens and enhances the memory in learning the language.


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