An Integration and Assessment of Covariates of Nonstationary Storm Surge Statistical Behavior by Bayesian Model Averaging

by   Tony E. Wong, et al.

Projections of storm surge return levels are a basic requirement for effective management of coastal risks. A common approach to estimate hazards posed by extreme sea levels is to use a statistical model, which may use a time series of a climate variable as a covariate to modulate the statistical model and account for potentially nonstationary storm surge behavior. Previous work using nonstationary statistical approaches, however, has demonstrated the importance of accounting for the many inherent modeling uncertainties. Additionally, previous assessments of coastal flood hazard using statistical modeling have typically relied on a single climate covariate, which likely leaves out important processes and leads to potential biases. Here, I employ upon a recently developed approach to integrate stationary and nonstationary statistical models, and examine the effects of choice of covariate time series on projected flood hazard. Furthermore, I expand upon this approach by developing a nonstationary storm surge statistical model that makes use of multiple covariate time series: global mean temperature, sea level, North Atlantic Oscillation index and time. I show that a storm surge model that accounts for additional processes raises the projected 100-year storm surge return level by up to 23 centimeters relative to a stationary model or one that employs a single covariate time series. I find that the total marginal model likelihood associated with each set of nonstationary models given by the candidate covariates, as well as a stationary model, is about 20 results shed light on how best to account for potential nonstationary coastal surge behavior, and incorporate more processes into surge projections. By including a wider range of physical process information and considering nonstationary behavior, these methods will better enable modeling efforts to inform coastal risk management.


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