An Improved Heart Disease Prediction Using Stacked Ensemble Method

by   Md. Maidul Islam, et al.

Heart disorder has just overtaken cancer as the world's biggest cause of mortality. Several cardiac failures, heart disease mortality, and diagnostic costs can all be reduced with early identification and treatment. Medical data is collected in large quantities by the healthcare industry, but it is not well mined. The discovery of previously unknown patterns and connections in this information can help with an improved decision when it comes to forecasting heart disorder risk. In the proposed study, we constructed an ML-based diagnostic system for heart illness forecasting, using a heart disorder dataset. We used data preprocessing techniques like outlier detection and removal, checking and removing missing entries, feature normalization, cross-validation, nine classification algorithms like RF, MLP, KNN, ETC, XGB, SVC, ADB, DT, and GBM, and eight classifier measuring performance metrics like ramification accuracy, precision, F1 score, specificity, ROC, sensitivity, log-loss, and Matthews' correlation coefficient, as well as eight classification performance evaluations. Our method can easily differentiate between people who have cardiac disease and those are normal. Receiver optimistic curves and also the region under the curves were determined by every classifier. Most of the classifiers, pretreatment strategies, validation methods, and performance assessment metrics for classification models have been discussed in this study. The performance of the proposed scheme has been confirmed, utilizing all of its capabilities. In this work, the impact of clinical decision support systems was evaluated using a stacked ensemble approach that included these nine algorithms


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