An explicit exponential time integrator based on Faber polynomials and its application to seismic wave modelling

by   Fernando V. Ravelo, et al.

Exponential time integrators have been applied successfully in several physics-related differential equations. However, their application in hyperbolic systems with absorbing boundaries, like the ones arising in seismic imaging, still lacks theoretical and experimental investigations. The present work conducts an in-depth study of exponential integration using Faber polynomials, consisting of a generalization of a popular exponential method that uses Chebyshev polynomials. This allows solving non-symmetric operators that emerge from classic seismic wave propagation problems with absorbing boundaries. Theoretical as well as numerical results are presented for Faber approximations. One of the theoretical contributions is the proposal of a sharp bound for the approximation error of the exponential of a normal matrix. We also show the practical importance of determining an optimal ellipse encompassing the full spectrum of the discrete operator, in order to ensure and enhance convergence of the Faber exponential series. Furthermore, based on estimates of the spectrum of the discrete operator of the wave equations with a widely used absorbing boundary method, we numerically investigate stability, dispersion, convergence and computational efficiency of the Faber exponential scheme. Overall, we conclude that the method is suitable for seismic wave problems and can provide accurate results with large time step sizes, with computational efficiency increasing with the increase of the approximation degree.


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