An Energy-Efficient Generic Accuracy Configurable Multiplier Based on Block-Level Voltage Overscaling

by   Ali Akbar Bahoo, et al.

Voltage Overscaling (VOS) is one of the well-known techniques to increase the energy efficiency of arithmetic units. Also, it can provide significant lifetime improvements, while still meeting the accuracy requirements of inherently error-resilient applications. This paper proposes a generic accuracy-configurable multiplier that employs the VOS at a coarse-grained level (block-level) to reduce the control logic required for applying VOS and its associated overheads, thus enabling a high degree of trade-off between energy consumption and output quality. The proposed configurable Block-Level VOS-based (BL-VOS) multiplier relies on employing VOS in a multiplier composed of smaller blocks, where applying VOS in different blocks results in structures with various output accuracy levels. To evaluate the proposed concept, we implement 8-bit and 16-bit BL-VOS multipliers with various blocks width in a 15-nm FinFET technology. The results show that the proposed multiplier achieves up to 15 lower energy consumption and up to 21 state-of-the-art VOS-based multipliers. Also, the effects of Process Variation (PV) and Bias Temperature Instability (BTI) induced delay on the proposed multiplier are investigated. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed multiplier is studied for two different image processing applications, in terms of quality and energy efficiency.


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