An efficient parallel block coordinate descent algorithm for large-scale precision matrix estimation using graphics processing units

by   Young-Geun Choi, et al.

Large-scale sparse precision matrix estimation has attracted wide interest from the statistics community. The convex partial correlation selection method (CONCORD) developed by Khare et al. (2015) has recently been credited with some theoretical properties for estimating sparse precision matrices. The CONCORD obtains its solution by a coordinate descent algorithm (CONCORD-CD) based on the convexity of the objective function. However, since a coordinate-wise update in CONCORD-CD is inherently serial, a scale-up is nontrivial. In this paper, we propose a novel parallelization of CONCORD-CD, namely, CONCORD-PCD. CONCORD-PCD partitions the off-diagonal elements into several groups and updates each group simultaneously without harming the computational convergence of CONCORD-CD. We guarantee this by employing the notion of edge coloring in graph theory. Specifically, we establish a nontrivial correspondence between scheduling the updates of the off-diagonal elements in CONCORD-CD and coloring the edges of a complete graph. It turns out that CONCORD-PCD simultaneously updates off-diagonal elements in which the associated edges are colorable with the same color. As a result, the number of steps required for updating off-diagonal elements reduces from p(p-1)/2 to p-1 (for even p) or p (for odd p), where p denotes the number of variables. We prove that the number of such steps is irreducible In addition, CONCORD-PCD is tailored to single-instruction multiple-data (SIMD) parallelism. A numerical study shows that the SIMD-parallelized PCD algorithm implemented in graphics processing units (GPUs) boosts the CONCORD-CD algorithm multiple times.


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