An Efficient Cervical Whole Slide Image Analysis Framework Based on Multi-scale Semantic and Spatial Deep Features

by   Ziquan Wei, et al.

Digital gigapixel whole slide image (WSI) is widely used in clinical diagnosis, and automated WSI analysis is key for computer-aided diagnosis. Currently, analyzing the integrated descriptor of probabilities or feature maps from massive local patches encoded by ResNet classifier is the main manner for WSI-level prediction. Feature representations of the sparse and tiny lesion cells in cervical slides, however, are still challengeable for the under-promoted upstream encoders, while the unused spatial representations of cervical cells are the available features to supply the semantics analysis. As well as patches sampling with overlap and repetitive processing incur the inefficiency and the unpredictable side effect. This study designs a novel inline connection network (InCNet) by enriching the multi-scale connectivity to build the lightweight model named You Only Look Cytopathology Once (YOLCO) with the additional supervision of spatial information. The proposed model allows the input size enlarged to megapixel that can stitch the WSI without any overlap by the average repeats decreased from 10^3∼10^4 to 10^1∼10^2 for collecting features and predictions at two scales. Based on Transformer for classifying the integrated multi-scale multi-task features, the experimental results appear 0.872 AUC score better and 2.51× faster than the best conventional method in WSI classification on multicohort datasets of 2,019 slides from four scanning devices.


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