An Application of Storage-Optimal MatDot Codes for Coded Matrix Multiplication: Fast k-Nearest Neighbors Estimation

by   Utsav Sheth, et al.

We propose a novel application of coded computing to the problem of the nearest neighbor estimation using MatDot Codes [Fahim. 2017], that are known to be optimal for matrix multiplication in terms of recovery threshold under storage constraints. In approximate nearest neighbor algorithms, it is common to construct efficient in-memory indexes to improve query response time. One such strategy is Multiple Random Projection Trees (MRPT), which reduces the set of candidate points over which Euclidean distance calculations are performed. However, this may result in a high memory footprint and possibly paging penalties for large or high-dimensional data. Here we propose two techniques to parallelize MRPT, that exploit data and model parallelism respectively, by dividing both the data storage and the computation efforts among different nodes in a distributed computing cluster. This is especially critical when a single compute node cannot hold the complete dataset in memory. We also propose a novel coded computation strategy based on MatDot codes for the model-parallel architecture that, in a straggler-prone environment, achieves the storage-optimal recovery threshold, i.e., the number of nodes that are required to serve a query. We experimentally demonstrate that, in the absence of straggling, our distributed approaches require less query time than execution on a single processing node, providing near-linear speedups with respect to the number of worker nodes. Through our experiments on real systems with simulated straggling, we also show that our strategy achieves a faster query execution than the uncoded strategy in a straggler-prone environment.


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