An Algorithm for Reversible Logic Circuit Synthesis Based on Tensor Decomposition

by   Hochang Lee, et al.

An algorithm for reversible logic synthesis is proposed. The task is, for given n-bit substitution map P_n: {0,1}^n →{0,1}^n, to find a sequence of reversible logic gates that implements the map. The gate library adopted in this work consists of multiple-controlled Toffoli gates denoted by C^mX, where m is the number of control bits that ranges from 0 to n-1. Controlled gates with large m (>2) are then further decomposed into C^0X, C^1X, and C^2X gates. A primary concern in designing the algorithm is to reduce the use of C^2X gate (also known as Toffoli gate) which is known to be universal. The main idea is to view an n-bit substitution map as a rank-2n tensor and to transform it such that the resulting map can be written as a tensor product of a rank-(2n-2) tensor and the 2× 2 identity matrix. Let 𝒫_n be a set of all n-bit substitution maps. What we try to find is a size reduction map 𝒜_ red: 𝒫_n →{P_n: P_n = P_n-1⊗ I_2}. One can see that the output P_n-1⊗ I_2 acts nontrivially on n-1 bits only, meaning that the map to be synthesized becomes P_n-1. The size reduction process is iteratively applied until it reaches tensor product of only 2 × 2 matrices.


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