Alzheimers Disease Diagnosis using Machine Learning: A Review

by   Nair Bini Balakrishnan, et al.

Alzheimers Disease AD is an acute neuro disease that degenerates the brain cells and thus leads to memory loss progressively. It is a fatal brain disease that mostly affects the elderly. It steers the decline of cognitive and biological functions of the brain and shrinks the brain successively, which in turn is known as Atrophy. For an accurate diagnosis of Alzheimers disease, cutting edge methods like machine learning are essential. Recently, machine learning has gained a lot of attention and popularity in the medical industry. As the illness progresses, those with Alzheimers have a far more difficult time doing even the most basic tasks, and in the worst case, their brain completely stops functioning. A persons likelihood of having early-stage Alzheimers disease may be determined using the ML method. In this analysis, papers on Alzheimers disease diagnosis based on deep learning techniques and reinforcement learning between 2008 and 2023 found in google scholar were studied. Sixty relevant papers obtained after the search was considered for this study. These papers were analysed based on the biomarkers of AD and the machine-learning techniques used. The analysis shows that deep learning methods have an immense ability to extract features and classify AD with good accuracy. The DRL methods have not been used much in the field of image processing. The comparison results of deep learning and reinforcement learning illustrate that the scope of Deep Reinforcement Learning DRL in dementia detection needs to be explored.


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