All You Need is a Second Look: Towards Arbitrary-Shaped Text Detection

by   Meng Cao, et al.

Arbitrary-shaped text detection is a challenging task since curved texts in the wild are of the complex geometric layouts. Existing mainstream methods follow the instance segmentation pipeline to obtain the text regions. However, arbitraryshaped texts are difficult to be depicted through one single segmentation network because of the varying scales. In this paper, we propose a two-stage segmentation-based detector, termed as NASK (Need A Second looK), for arbitrary-shaped text detection. Compared to the traditional single-stage segmentation network, our NASK conducts the detection in a coarse-to-fine manner with the first stage segmentation spotting the rectangle text proposals and the second one retrieving compact representations. Specifically, NASK is composed of a Text Instance Segmentation (TIS) network (1st stage), a Geometry-aware Text RoI Alignment (GeoAlign) module, and a Fiducial pOint eXpression (FOX) module (2nd stage). Firstly, TIS extracts the augmented features with a novel Group Spatial and Channel Attention (GSCA) module and conducts instance segmentation to obtain rectangle proposals. Then, GeoAlign converts these rectangles into the fixed size and encodes RoI-wise feature representation. Finally, FOX disintegrates the text instance into serval pivotal geometrical attributes to refine the detection results. Extensive experimental results on three public benchmarks including Total-Text, SCUTCTW1500, and ICDAR 2015 verify that our NASK outperforms recent state-of-the-art methods.


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