Adversarial Attacks on Code Models with Discriminative Graph Patterns

by   Thanh-Dat Nguyen, et al.

Pre-trained language models of code are now widely used in various software engineering tasks such as code generation, code completion, vulnerability detection, etc. This, in turn, poses security and reliability risks to these models. One of the important threats is adversarial attacks, which can lead to erroneous predictions and largely affect model performance on downstream tasks. Current adversarial attacks on code models usually adopt fixed sets of program transformations, such as variable renaming and dead code insertion, leading to limited attack effectiveness. To address the aforementioned challenges, we propose a novel adversarial attack framework, GraphCodeAttack, to better evaluate the robustness of code models. Given a target code model, GraphCodeAttack automatically mines important code patterns, which can influence the model's decisions, to perturb the structure of input code to the model. To do so, GraphCodeAttack uses a set of input source codes to probe the model's outputs and identifies the discriminative ASTs patterns that can influence the model decisions. GraphCodeAttack then selects appropriate AST patterns, concretizes the selected patterns as attacks, and inserts them as dead code into the model's input program. To effectively synthesize attacks from AST patterns, GraphCodeAttack uses a separate pre-trained code model to fill in the ASTs with concrete code snippets. We evaluate the robustness of two popular code models (e.g., CodeBERT and GraphCodeBERT) against our proposed approach on three tasks: Authorship Attribution, Vulnerability Prediction, and Clone Detection. The experimental results suggest that our proposed approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art approaches in attacking code models such as CARROT and ALERT.


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