ADS Standardization Landscape: Making Sense of its Status and of the Associated Research Questions

by   Scott Schnelle, et al.

Automated Driving Systems (ADS) hold great potential to increase safety, mobility, and equity. However, without public acceptance, none of these promises can be fulfilled. To engender public trust, many entities in the ADS community participate in standards development organizations (SDOs) with the goal of enhancing safety for the entire industry through a collaborative approach. The breadth and depth of the ADS safety standardization landscape is vast and constantly changing, as often is the case for novel technologies in rapid evolution. The pace of development of the ADS industry makes it hard for the public and interested parties to keep track of ongoing SDO efforts, including the topics touched by each standard and the committees addressing each topic, as well as make sense of the wealth of documentation produced. Therefore, the authors present here a simplified framework for abstracting and organizing the current landscape of ADS safety standards into high-level, long term themes. This framework is then utilized to develop and organize associated research questions that have not yet reached widely adopted industry positions, along with identifying potential gaps where further research and standardization is needed.


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