Addressing Scalability with Message Queues: Architecture and Use Cases for DIRAC Interware

by   Wojciech Krzemien, et al.

The Message Queue (MQ) architecture is an asynchronous communication scheme that provides an attractive solution for certain scenarios in a distributed computing model. The introduction of MQ as an intermediate component in-between the interacting processes allows to decouple the end-points making the system more flexible and providing high scalability and redundancy. DIRAC is a general-purpose interware software for distributed computing systems, which offers a common interface to a number of heterogeneous providers and guarantees transparent and reliable usage of the resources. The DIRAC platform has been adapted by several scientific projects, including High Energy Physics communities like LHCb, the Linear Collider and Belle2. A Message Queue generic interface has been incorporated into the DIRAC framework to help solving the scalability challenges that must be addressed during LHC Run3, starting in 2021. It allows to use the MQ scheme for a message exchange among the DIRAC components or to communicate with third-party services. Within this contribution we describe the integration of MQ systems with DIRAC and several use cases are shown. Message Queues are foreseen to be used in the pilot logging system, and as a backbone of the DIRAC component logging system and monitoring.


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