Adaptive FEM for Helmholtz Equation with Large Wave Number

by   Songyao Duan, et al.

A posteriori upper and lower bounds are derived for the linear finite element method (FEM) for the Helmholtz equation with large wave number. It is proved rigorously that the standard residual type error estimator seriously underestimates the true error of the FE solution for the mesh size h in the preasymptotic regime, which is first observed by Babuška, et al. for an one dimensional problem. By establishing an equivalence relationship between the error estimators for the FE solution and the corresponding elliptic projection of the exact solution, an adaptive algorithm is proposed and its convergence and quasi-optimality are proved under condition that k^3h_0^1+ is sufficiently small, where h_0 is the initial mesh size and 1/2<≤ 1 is a regularity constant depending on the maximum reentrant angle of the domain. Numerical tests are given to verify the theoretical findings and to show that the adaptive continuous interior penalty finite element method (CIP-FEM) with appropriately selected penalty parameters can greatly reduce the pollution error and hence the residual type error estimator for this CIP-FEM is reliable and efficient even in the preasymptotic regime.


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