Adaptive Face Recognition Using Adversarial Information Network

by   Mei Wang, et al.

In many real-world applications, face recognition models often degenerate when training data (referred to as source domain) are different from testing data (referred to as target domain). To alleviate this mismatch caused by some factors like pose and skin tone, the utilization of pseudo-labels generated by clustering algorithms is an effective way in unsupervised domain adaptation. However, they always miss some hard positive samples. Supervision on pseudo-labeled samples attracts them towards their prototypes and would cause an intra-domain gap between pseudo-labeled samples and the remaining unlabeled samples within target domain, which results in the lack of discrimination in face recognition. In this paper, considering the particularity of face recognition, we propose a novel adversarial information network (AIN) to address it. First, a novel adversarial mutual information (MI) loss is proposed to alternately minimize MI with respect to the target classifier and maximize MI with respect to the feature extractor. By this min-max manner, the positions of target prototypes are adaptively modified which makes unlabeled images clustered more easily such that intra-domain gap can be mitigated. Second, to assist adversarial MI loss, we utilize a graph convolution network to predict linkage likelihoods between target data and generate pseudo-labels. It leverages valuable information in the context of nodes and can achieve more reliable results. The proposed method is evaluated under two scenarios, i.e., domain adaptation across poses and image conditions, and domain adaptation across faces with different skin tones. Extensive experiments show that AIN successfully improves cross-domain generalization and offers a new state-of-the-art on RFW dataset.


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