Active Learning and Approximate Model Calibration for Automated Visual Inspection in Manufacturing
Quality control is a crucial activity performed by manufacturing enterprises to ensure that their products meet quality standards and avoid potential damage to the brand's reputation. The decreased cost of sensors and connectivity enabled increasing digitalization of manufacturing. In addition, artificial intelligence enables higher degrees of automation, reducing overall costs and time required for defect inspection. This research compares three active learning approaches (with single and multiple oracles) to visual inspection. We propose a novel approach to probabilities calibration of classification models and two new metrics to assess the performance of the calibration without the need for ground truth. We performed experiments on real-world data provided by Philips Consumer Lifestyle BV. Our results show that explored active learning settings can reduce the data labeling effort by between three and four percent without detriment to the overall quality goals, considering a threshold of p=0.95. Furthermore, we show that the proposed metrics successfully capture relevant information otherwise available to metrics used up to date only through ground truth data. Therefore, the proposed metrics can be used to estimate the quality of models' probability calibration without committing to a labeling effort to obtain ground truth data.