Action Recognition and State Change Prediction in a Recipe Understanding Task Using a Lightweight Neural Network Model

by   Qing Wan, et al.

Consider a natural language sentence describing a specific step in a food recipe. In such instructions, recognizing actions (such as press, bake, etc.) and the resulting changes in the state of the ingredients (shape molded, custard cooked, temperature hot, etc.) is a challenging task. One way to cope with this challenge is to explicitly model a simulator module that applies actions to entities and predicts the resulting outcome (Bosselut et al. 2018). However, such a model can be unnecessarily complex. In this paper, we propose a simplified neural network model that separates action recognition and state change prediction, while coupling the two through a novel loss function. This allows learning to indirectly influence each other. Our model, although simpler, achieves higher state change prediction performance (67 accuracy for ours vs. 55 train (10K ours vs. 65K+ by (Bosselut et al. 2018)).


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