Achieving Linear Convergence in Federated Learning under Objective and Systems Heterogeneity

by   George J. Pappas, et al.

We consider a standard federated learning architecture where a group of clients periodically coordinate with a central server to train a statistical model. We tackle two major challenges in federated learning: (i) objective heterogeneity, which stems from differences in the clients' local loss functions, and (ii) systems heterogeneity, which leads to slow and straggling client devices. Due to such client heterogeneity, we show that existing federated learning algorithms suffer from a fundamental speed-accuracy conflict: they either guarantee linear convergence but to an incorrect point, or convergence to the global minimum but at a sub-linear rate, i.e., fast convergence comes at the expense of accuracy. To address the above limitation, we propose FedLin - a simple, new algorithm that exploits past gradients and employs client-specific learning rates. When the clients' local loss functions are smooth and strongly convex, we show that FedLin guarantees linear convergence to the global minimum. We then establish matching upper and lower bounds on the convergence rate of FedLin that highlight the trade-offs associated with infrequent, periodic communication. Notably, FedLin is the only approach that is able to match centralized convergence rates (up to constants) for smooth strongly convex, convex, and non-convex loss functions despite arbitrary objective and systems heterogeneity. We further show that FedLin preserves linear convergence rates under aggressive gradient sparsification, and quantify the effect of the compression level on the convergence rate.


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