Accelerating RNN-based Speech Enhancement on a Multi-Core MCU with Mixed FP16-INT8 Post-Training Quantization

by   Manuele Rusci, et al.

This paper presents an optimized methodology to design and deploy Speech Enhancement (SE) algorithms based on Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) on a state-of-the-art MicroController Unit (MCU), with 1+8 general-purpose RISC-V cores. To achieve low-latency execution, we propose an optimized software pipeline interleaving parallel computation of LSTM or GRU recurrent blocks, featuring vectorized 8-bit integer (INT8) and 16-bit floating-point (FP16) compute units, with manually-managed memory transfers of model parameters. To ensure minimal accuracy degradation with respect to the full-precision models, we propose a novel FP16-INT8 Mixed-Precision Post-Training Quantization (PTQ) scheme that compresses the recurrent layers to 8-bit while the bit precision of remaining layers is kept to FP16. Experiments are conducted on multiple LSTM and GRU based SE models trained on the Valentini dataset, featuring up to 1.24M parameters. Thanks to the proposed approaches, we speed-up the computation by up to 4x with respect to the lossless FP16 baselines. Differently from a uniform 8-bit quantization that degrades the PESQ score by 0.3 on average, the Mixed-Precision PTQ scheme leads to a low-degradation of only 0.06, while achieving a 1.4-1.7x memory saving. Thanks to this compression, we cut the power cost of the external memory by fitting the large models on the limited on-chip non-volatile memory and we gain a MCU power saving of up to 2.5x by reducing the supply voltage from 0.8V to 0.65V while still matching the real-time constraints. Our design results 10x more energy efficient than state-of-the-art SE solutions deployed on single-core MCUs that make use of smaller models and quantization-aware training.


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