Accelerated wind farm yaw and layout optimisation with multi-fidelity deep transfer learning wake models

by   Sokratis Anagnostopoulos, et al.

Wind farm modelling has been an area of rapidly increasing interest with numerous analytical as well as computational-based approaches developed to extend the margins of wind farm efficiency and maximise power production. In this work, we present the novel ML framework WakeNet, which can reproduce generalised 2D turbine wake velocity fields at hub-height over a wide range of yaw angles, wind speeds and turbulence intensities (TIs), with a mean accuracy of 99.8 farm modelling software FLORIS. As the generation of sufficient high-fidelity data for network training purposes can be cost-prohibitive, the utility of multi-fidelity transfer learning has also been investigated. Specifically, a network pre-trained on the low-fidelity Gaussian wake model is fine-tuned in order to obtain accurate wake results for the mid-fidelity Curl wake model. The robustness and overall performance of WakeNet on various wake steering control and layout optimisation scenarios has been validated through power-gain heatmaps, obtaining at least 90 performed with FLORIS directly. We also demonstrate that when utilising the Curl model, WakeNet is able to provide similar power gains to FLORIS, two orders of magnitude faster (e.g. 10 minutes vs 36 hours per optimisation case). The wake evaluation time of wakeNet when trained on a high-fidelity CFD dataset is expected to be similar, thus further increasing computational time gains. These promising results show that generalised wake modelling with ML tools can be accurate enough to contribute towards active yaw and layout optimisation, while producing realistic optimised configurations at a fraction of the computational cost, hence making it feasible to perform real-time active yaw control as well as robust optimisation under uncertainty.


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