AAVAE: Augmentation-Augmented Variational Autoencoders

by   William Falcon, et al.

Recent methods for self-supervised learning can be grouped into two paradigms: contrastive and non-contrastive approaches. Their success can largely be attributed to data augmentation pipelines which generate multiple views of a single input that preserve the underlying semantics. In this work, we introduce augmentation-augmented variational autoencoders (AAVAE), a third approach to self-supervised learning based on autoencoding. We derive AAVAE starting from the conventional variational autoencoder (VAE), by replacing the KL divergence regularization, which is agnostic to the input domain, with data augmentations that explicitly encourage the internal representations to encode domain-specific invariances and equivariances. We empirically evaluate the proposed AAVAE on image classification, similar to how recent contrastive and non-contrastive learning algorithms have been evaluated. Our experiments confirm the effectiveness of data augmentation as a replacement for KL divergence regularization. The AAVAE outperforms the VAE by 30 40 state-of-the-art for self-supervised learning.


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