A Unified Perspective on Natural Gradient Variational Inference with Gaussian Mixture Models

by   Oleg Arenz, et al.

Variational inference with Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) enables learning of highly-tractable yet multi-modal approximations of intractable target distributions. GMMs are particular relevant for problem settings with up to a few hundred dimensions, for example in robotics, for modelling distributions over trajectories or joint distributions. This work focuses on two very effective methods for GMM-based variational inference that both employ independent natural gradient updates for the individual components and the categorical distribution of the weights. We show for the first time, that their derived updates are equivalent, although their practical implementations and theoretical guarantees differ. We identify several design choices that distinguish both approaches, namely with respect to sample selection, natural gradient estimation, stepsize adaptation, and whether trust regions are enforced or the number of components adapted. We perform extensive ablations on these design choices and show that they strongly affect the efficiency of the optimization and the variability of the learned distribution. Based on our insights, we propose a novel instantiation of our generalized framework, that combines first-order natural gradient estimates with trust-regions and component adaption, and significantly outperforms both previous methods in all our experiments.


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