A Transfer Learning Framework for Proactive Ramp Metering Performance Assessment

by   Xiaobo Ma, et al.

Transportation agencies need to assess ramp metering performance when deploying or expanding a ramp metering system. The evaluation of a ramp metering strategy is primarily centered around examining its impact on freeway traffic mobility. One way these effects can be explored is by comparing traffic states, such as the speed before and after the ramp metering strategy has been altered. Predicting freeway traffic states for the after scenarios following the implementation of a new ramp metering control strategy could offer valuable insights into the potential effectiveness of the target strategy. However, the use of machine learning methods in predicting the freeway traffic state for the after scenarios and evaluating the effectiveness of transportation policies or traffic control strategies such as ramp metering is somewhat limited in the current literature. To bridge the research gap, this study presents a framework for predicting freeway traffic parameters (speed, occupancy, and flow rate) for the after situations when a new ramp metering control strategy is implemented. By learning the association between the spatial-temporal features of traffic states in before and after situations for known freeway segments, the proposed framework can transfer this learning to predict the traffic parameters for new freeway segments. The proposed framework is built upon a transfer learning model. Experimental results show that the proposed framework is feasible for use as an alternative for predicting freeway traffic parameters to proactively evaluate ramp metering performance.


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