A topic-aware graph neural network model for knowledge base updating

by   Jiajun Tong, et al.

The open domain knowledge base is very important. It is usually extracted from encyclopedia websites and is widely used in knowledge retrieval systems, question answering systems, or recommendation systems. In practice, the key challenge is to maintain an up-to-date knowledge base. Different from Unwieldy fetching all of the data from the encyclopedia dumps, to enlarge the freshness of the knowledge base as big as possible while avoiding invalid fetching, the current knowledge base updating methods usually determine whether entities need to be updated by building a prediction model. However, these methods can only be defined in some specific fields and the result turns out to be obvious bias, due to the problem of data source and data structure. The users' query intentions are often diverse as to the open domain knowledge, so we construct a topic-aware graph network for knowledge updating based on the user query log. Our methods can be summarized as follow: 1. Extract entities through the user's log and select them as seeds 2. Scrape the attributes of seed entities in the encyclopedia website, and self-supervised construct the entity attribute graph for each entity. 3. Use the entity attribute graph to train the GNN entity update model to determine whether the entity needs to be synchronized. 4.Use the encyclopedia knowledge to match and update the filtered entity with the entity in the knowledge base according to the minimum edit times algorithm.


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