A Systematic Evaluation of Backdoor Trigger Characteristics in Image Classification

by   Gorka Abad, et al.

Deep learning achieves outstanding results in many machine learning tasks. Nevertheless, it is vulnerable to backdoor attacks that modify the training set to embed a secret functionality in the trained model. The modified training samples have a secret property, i.e., a trigger. At inference time, the secret functionality is activated when the input contains the trigger, while the model functions correctly in other cases. While there are many known backdoor attacks (and defenses), deploying a stealthy attack is still far from trivial. Successfully creating backdoor triggers heavily depends on numerous parameters. Unfortunately, research has not yet determined which parameters contribute most to the attack performance. This paper systematically analyzes the most relevant parameters for the backdoor attacks, i.e., trigger size, position, color, and poisoning rate. Using transfer learning, which is very common in computer vision, we evaluate the attack on numerous state-of-the-art models (ResNet, VGG, AlexNet, and GoogLeNet) and datasets (MNIST, CIFAR10, and TinyImageNet). Our attacks cover the majority of backdoor settings in research, providing concrete directions for future works. Our code is publicly available to facilitate the reproducibility of our results.


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