A suite of diagnostic metrics for characterizing selection schemes

Evolutionary algorithms are effective general-purpose techniques for solving optimization problems. Understanding how each component of an evolutionary algorithm influences its problem-solving success improves our ability to target particular problem domains. Our work focuses on evaluating selection schemes, which choose individuals to contribute genetic material to the next generation. We introduce four diagnostic search spaces for testing the strengths and weaknesses of selection schemes: the exploitation rate diagnostic, ordered exploitation rate diagnostic, contradictory objectives diagnostic, and the multi-path exploration diagnostic. Each diagnostic is handcrafted to isolate and measure the relative exploitation and exploration characteristics of selection schemes. In this study, we use our diagnostics to evaluate six population selection methods: truncation selection, tournament selection, fitness sharing, lexicase selection, nondominated sorting, and novelty search. Expectedly, tournament and truncation selection excelled in gradient exploitation but poorly explored search spaces, and novelty search excelled at exploration but failed to exploit fitness gradients. Fitness sharing performed poorly across all diagnostics, suggesting poor overall exploitation and exploration abilities. Nondominated sorting was best for maintaining populations comprised of individuals with different trade-offs of multiple objectives, but struggled to effectively exploit fitness gradients. Lexicase selection balanced search space exploration with exploitation, generally performing well across diagnostics. Our work demonstrates the value of diagnostic search spaces for building a deeper understanding of selection schemes, which can then be used to improve or develop new selection methods.


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