A Sketch of Some Stochastic Models and Analysis Methods for Fiber Bundle Failure under Increasing Tensile Load

by   Shuang Li, et al.

Fiber bundle models (FBM's) have been used to model the failure of fibrous composites as load-sharing systems since the 1960's when Rosen (1964 and 1965) conducted some remarkable experiments on unidirectional fibrous composites. These experiments gave seminal insights into their failure under increasing tensile load. However, over the last thirty years FBM's have been used to model catastrophic failure in other situations by the physical science community and others. The purpose of this paper is to sketch some research on load-sharing models and statistical analysis methods that have been overlooked by this community. These are illustrated by summarizing the findings regarding Rosen's Specimen A experiments and presenting the necessary results needed for this. Related research about the bundle breaking strength distribution and the joint distribution (the Gibbs measure) regarding the state (failed or unfailed) of the bundle components at a given load per component, s, is also given.


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