A Simple 1.5-Approximation Algorithm for a Wide Range of Max-SMTI Problems

by   Gergely Csáji, et al.

We give a simple approximation algorithm for a common generalization of many previously studied extensions of the stable matching problem with ties. These generalizations include the existence of critical vertices in the graph, amongst whom we must match as much as possible, free edges, that cannot be blocking edges and Δ-stabilities, which mean that for an edge to block, the improvement should be large enough on one or both sides. We also introduce other notions to generalize these even further, which allows our framework to capture many existing and future applications. We show that our edge duplicating technique allows us to treat these different types of generalizations simultaneously, while also making the algorithm, the proofs and the analysis much simpler and shorter then in previous approaches. In particular, we answer an open question by Askalidis et al. (2013) about the existence of a 3/2-approximation algorithm for the Max-SMTI problem with free edges. This demonstrates well that this technique can grasp the underlying essence of these problems quite well and have the potential to be able to solve countless future applications as well.


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