A Semi-Lagrangian Computation of Front Speeds of G-equation in ABC and Kolmogorov Flows with Estimation via Ballistic Orbits

by   Chou Kao, et al.

The Arnold-Beltrami-Childress (ABC) flow and the Kolmogorov flow are three dimensional periodic divergence free velocity fields that exhibit chaotic streamlines. We are interested in front speed enhancement in G-equation of turbulent combustion by large intensity ABC and Kolmogorov flows. First, we give a quantitative construction of the ballistic orbits of ABC and Kolmogorov flows, namely those with maximal large time asymptotic speeds in a coordinate direction. Thanks to the optimal control theory of G-equation (a convex but non-coercive Hamilton-Jacobi equation), the ballistic orbits serve as admissible trajectories for front speed estimates. To study the tightness of the estimates, we compute front speeds of G-equation based on a semi-Lagrangian (SL) scheme with Strang splitting and weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) interpolation. The SL scheme is stable when the ratio of time step and spatial grid size (in the propagation direction) is smaller than a positive constant independent of the flow intensity. Numerical results show that the front speed growth rate in terms of the flow intensity may approach the analytical bounds from the ballistic orbits.


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