A Scalable Data-Driven Technique for Joint Evacuation Routing and Scheduling Problems

by   Kazi Ashik Islam, et al.

Evacuation planning is a crucial part of disaster management where the goal is to relocate people to safety and minimize casualties. Every evacuation plan has two essential components: routing and scheduling. However, joint optimization of these two components with objectives such as minimizing average evacuation time or evacuation completion time, is a computationally hard problem. To approach it, we present MIP-LNS, a scalable optimization method that combines heuristic search with mathematical optimization and can optimize a variety of objective functions. We use real-world road network and population data from Harris County in Houston, Texas, and apply MIP-LNS to find evacuation routes and schedule for the area. We show that, within a given time limit, our proposed method finds better solutions than existing methods in terms of average evacuation time, evacuation completion time and optimality guarantee of the solutions. We perform agent-based simulations of evacuation in our study area to demonstrate the efficacy and robustness of our solution. We show that our prescribed evacuation plan remains effective even if the evacuees deviate from the suggested schedule upto a certain extent. We also examine how evacuation plans are affected by road failures. Our results show that MIP-LNS can use information regarding estimated deadline of roads to come up with better evacuation plans in terms evacuating more people successfully and conveniently.


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