A robust statistical method for Genome-wide association analysis of human copy number variation

by   Han Wang, et al.

Conducting genome-wide association studies (GWAS) in copy number variation (CNV) level is a field where few people involves and little statistical progresses have been achieved, traditional methods suffer from many problems such as batch effects, heterogeneity across genome, leading to low power or high false discovery rate. We develop a new robust method to find disease-risking regions related to CNV's disproportionately distributed between case and control samples, even if there are batch effects between them, our test formula is robust to such effects. We propose a new empirical Bayes rule to deal with overfitting when estimating parameters during testing, this rule can be extended to the field of model selection, it can be more efficient compared with traditional methods when there are too much potential models to be specified. We also give solid theoretical guarantees for our proposed method, and demonstrate the effectiveness by simulation and realdata analysis.


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