A Review on Pushing the Limits of Baseline Recommendation Systems with the integration of Opinion Mining Information Retrieval Techniques

Recommendations Systems allow users to identify trending items among a community while being timely and relevant to the user's expectations. When the purpose of various Recommendation Systems differs, the required type of recommendations also differs for each use case. While one Recommendation System may focus on recommending popular items, another may focus on recommending items that are comparable to the user's interests. Content-based filtering, user-to-user item-to-item Collaborative filtering, and more recently; Deep Learning methods have been brought forward by the researchers to achieve better quality recommendations. Even though each of these methods has proven to perform well individually, there have been attempts to push the boundaries of their limitations. Following a wide range of methods, researchers have tried to expand on the capabilities of standard recommendation systems to provide the most effective recommendations to users while being more profitable from a business's perspective. This has been achieved by taking a hybrid approach when building models and architectures for Recommendation Systems. This paper is a review of the novel models architectures of hybrid Recommendation Systems. The author identifies possibilities of expanding the capabilities of baseline models the advantages and drawbacks of each model with selected use cases in this review.


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