A Residual Bootstrap for High-Dimensional Regression with Near Low-Rank Designs

by   Miles E. Lopes, et al.

We study the residual bootstrap (RB) method in the context of high-dimensional linear regression. Specifically, we analyze the distributional approximation of linear contrasts c^ (β̂_ρ-β), where β̂_ρ is a ridge-regression estimator. When regression coefficients are estimated via least squares, classical results show that RB consistently approximates the laws of contrasts, provided that p≪ n, where the design matrix is of size n× p. Up to now, relatively little work has considered how additional structure in the linear model may extend the validity of RB to the setting where p/n 1. In this setting, we propose a version of RB that resamples residuals obtained from ridge regression. Our main structural assumption on the design matrix is that it is nearly low rank --- in the sense that its singular values decay according to a power-law profile. Under a few extra technical assumptions, we derive a simple criterion for ensuring that RB consistently approximates the law of a given contrast. We then specialize this result to study confidence intervals for mean response values X_i^β, where X_i^ is the ith row of the design. More precisely, we show that conditionally on a Gaussian design with near low-rank structure, RB simultaneously approximates all of the laws X_i^(β̂_ρ-β), i=1,...,n. This result is also notable as it imposes no sparsity assumptions on β. Furthermore, since our consistency results are formulated in terms of the Mallows (Kantorovich) metric, the existence of a limiting distribution is not required.


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