A reinforcement learning application of guided Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm for beam orientation selection in radiation therapy

Due to the large combinatorial problem, current beam orientation optimization algorithms for radiotherapy, such as column generation (CG), are typically heuristic or greedy in nature, leading to suboptimal solutions. We propose a reinforcement learning strategy using Monte Carlo Tree Search capable of finding a superior beam orientation set and in less time than CG.We utilized a reinforcement learning structure involving a supervised learning network to guide Monte Carlo tree search (GTS) to explore the decision space of beam orientation selection problem. We have previously trained a deep neural network (DNN) that takes in the patient anatomy, organ weights, and current beams, and then approximates beam fitness values, indicating the next best beam to add. This DNN is used to probabilistically guide the traversal of the branches of the Monte Carlo decision tree to add a new beam to the plan. To test the feasibility of the algorithm, we solved for 5-beam plans, using 13 test prostate cancer patients, different from the 57 training and validation patients originally trained the DNN. To show the strength of GTS to other search methods, performances of three other search methods including a guided search, uniform tree search and random search algorithms are also provided. On average GTS outperforms all other methods, it find a solution better than CG in 237 seconds on average, compared to CG which takes 360 seconds, and outperforms all other methods in finding a solution with lower objective function value in less than 1000 seconds. Using our guided tree search (GTS) method we were able to maintain a similar planning target volume (PTV) coverage within 1 and reduce the organ at risk (OAR) mean dose for body, rectum, left and right femoral heads, but a slight increase of 1


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