A Pseudo-Marginal Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm for Estimating Generalized Linear Models in the Presence of Missing Data
The missing data issue often complicates the task of estimating generalized linear models (GLMs). We describe why the pseudo-marginal Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, used in this setting, is an effective strategy for parameter estimation. This approach requires fewer assumptions, it provides joint inferences on the parameters in the likelihood, the covariate model, and the parameters of the missingness-mechanism, and there is no logical inconsistency of assuming that there are multiple posterior distributions. Moreover, this approach is asymptotically exact, just like most other Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques. We discuss computing strategies, conduct a simulation study demonstrating how standard errors change as a function of percent missingness, and we use our approach on a "real-world" data set to describe how a collection of variables influences the car crash outcomes.