A polynomial-time approximation to a minimum dominating set in a graph

by   Frank Hernandez, et al.

A dominating set of a graph G=(V,E) is a subset of vertices S⊆ V such that every vertex v∈ V∖ S has at least one neighbor in S. Finding a dominating set with the minimum cardinality in a connected graph G=(V,E) is known to be NP-hard. A polynomial-time approximation algorithm for this problem, described here, works in two stages. At the first stage a dominant set is generated by a greedy algorithm, and at the second stage this dominating set is purified (reduced). The reduction is achieved by the analysis of the flowchart of the algorithm of the first stage and a special kind of clustering of the dominating set generated at the first stage. The clustering of the dominating set naturally leads to a special kind of a spanning forest of graph G, which serves as a basis for the second purification stage. We expose some types of graphs for which the algorithm of the first stage already delivers an optimal solution and derive sufficient conditions when the overall algorithm constructs an optimal solution. We give three alternative approximation ratios for the algorithm of the first stage, two of which are expressed in terms of solely invariant problem instance parameters, and we also give one additional approximation ratio for the overall two-stage algorithm. The greedy algorithm of the first stage turned out to be essentially the same as the earlier known state-of-the-art algorithms for the set cover and dominating set problem Chvátal <cit.> and Parekh <cit.>. The second purification stage results in a significant reduction of the dominant set created at the first stage, in practice. The practical behavior of both stages was verified for randomly generated problem instances. The computational experiments emphasize the gap between a solution of Stage 1 and a solution of Stage 2.


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