A Polynomial-Time Algorithm and Applications for Matrix Sampling from Harish-Chandra–Itzykson-Zuber Densities

by   Jonathan Leake, et al.

Given two n × n Hermitian matrices Y and Λ, the Harish-Chandra–Itzykson–Zuber (HCIZ) density on the unitary group U(n) is e^Tr(U Λ U^*Y)dμ(U) where μ is the Haar measure on U(n). Random unitary matrices distributed according to the HCIZ density are important in various settings in physics and random matrix theory. However, the basic question of how to sample efficiently from the HCIZ density has remained open. The main contribution of this paper is an algorithm to sample a matrix from a distribution that is ε-close to the given HCIZ density and whose running time depends polylogarithmically on 1/ε. Interestingly, HCIZ densities can also be viewed as exponential densities on U(n)-orbits, and in this setting, they have been widely studied. Thus, our result has several direct applications, including polynomial-time algorithms 1) to sample from matrix Langevin distributions studied in statistics, 2) to sample from continuous maximum entropy distributions with applications to quantum inference, and 3) for differentially private low-rank approximation. The key obstacle in sampling from an HCIZ density is that the domain is an algebraic manifold and the entries of the sample matrix are highly correlated. To overcome this, we consider a mapping that sends each Hermitian matrix X to a natural ordering of the eigenvalues of all leading principal minors of X. The image of each U(n)-orbit under this map is a convex polytope, and the mapping reveals a recursive structure of U(n)-orbits. Subsequently, we develop efficiently computable determinantal expressions for densities that arise in the intermediate steps of sampling from the polytope. Our proof-technique applies to other compact Lie groups and can be viewed as extending the widely studied notion of self-reducibility.


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