A picture of the space of typical learnable tasks

by   Rahul Ramesh, et al.

We develop a technique to analyze representations learned by deep networks when they are trained on different tasks using supervised, meta- and contrastive learning. We develop a technique to visualize such representations using an isometric embedding of the space of probabilistic models into a lower-dimensional space, i.e., one that preserves pairwise distances. We discover the following surprising phenomena that shed light upon the structure in the space of learnable tasks: (1) the manifold of probabilistic models trained on different tasks using different representation learning methods is effectively low-dimensional; (2) supervised learning on one task results in a surprising amount of progress on seemingly dissimilar tasks; progress on other tasks is larger if the training task has diverse classes; (3) the structure of the space of tasks indicated by our analysis is consistent with parts of the Wordnet phylogenetic tree; (4) fine-tuning a model upon a sub-task does not change the representation much if the model was trained for a large number of epochs; (5) episodic meta-learning algorithms fit similar models eventually as that of supervised learning, even if the two traverse different trajectories during training; (6) contrastive learning methods trained on different datasets learn similar representations. We use classification tasks constructed from the CIFAR-10 and Imagenet datasets to study these phenomena.


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