A partial graphical model with a structural prior on the direct links between predictors and responses

by   Eunice Okome Obiang, et al.

This paper is devoted to the estimation of a partial graphical model with a structural Bayesian penalization. Precisely, we are interested in the linear regression setting where the estimation is made through the direct links between potentially high-dimensional predictors and multiple responses, since it is known that Gaussian graphical models enable to exhibit direct links only, whereas coefficients in linear regressions contain both direct and indirect relations (due e.g. to strong correlations among the variables). A smooth penalty reflecting a generalized Gaussian Bayesian prior on the covariates is added, either enforcing patterns (like row structures) in the direct links or regulating the joint influence of predictors. We give a theoretical guarantee for our method, taking the form of an upper bound on the estimation error arising with high probability, provided that the model is suitably regularized. Empirical studies on synthetic data and real datasets are conducted to compare the efficiency of the model with well-known related procedures. Our work shows that the flexibility induced by the additional hyperparametrization may control the extent of structuring in the direct links and improve both predictions and statistical interpretations.


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