A Novel Supervised Deep Learning Solution to Detect Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks on Edge Systems using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

by   Vedanth Ramanathan, et al.

Cybersecurity attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated and pose a growing threat to individuals, and private and public sectors. Distributed Denial of Service attacks are one of the most harmful of these threats in today's internet, disrupting the availability of essential services. This project presents a novel deep learning-based approach for detecting DDoS attacks in network traffic using the industry-recognized DDoS evaluation dataset from the University of New Brunswick, which contains packet captures from real-time DDoS attacks, creating a broader and more applicable model for the real world. The algorithm employed in this study exploits the properties of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and common deep learning algorithms to build a novel mitigation technique that classifies benign and malicious traffic. The proposed model preprocesses the data by extracting packet flows and normalizing them to a fixed length which is fed into a custom architecture containing layers regulating node dropout, normalization, and a sigmoid activation function to out a binary classification. This allows for the model to process the flows effectively and look for the nodes that contribute to DDoS attacks while dropping the "noise" or the distractors. The results of this study demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in detecting DDOS attacks, achieving an accuracy of .9883 on 2000 unseen flows in network traffic, while being scalable for any network environment.


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